Our government didn’t use the world’s tsunami donations for whaling.

It’s a quite old propaganda that our government use tsunami fund for whaling. But Sea Shepherd and other dolphin freaks still lie so repeatingly. And I pasted the refutation to Facebook very many times, too. Seeing Yamamoto San reprinted my refutaion, I decided to post this text on my entry for many people can do that. So free to reprint this text below.(This text is a bit different from my original. I revised some.)

* I updated on 25 Jan. 2015, for adding explanations of the word difference.

See the audit reports of Japan Red Cross: http://jrc.or.jp/eq-japan2011/
The most of the donations from overseas are made through Red Cross. Those donations are called Tsunami Relief Fund(津波義援金, Tsunami Gienkin). It’s not our government’s Restoration Fund(復興基金, Fukkou Kikin) from our tax. (As you can see, Tsunami Gienkin and Fukkou Kikin are completely different words.)
Read this and understand it!:
The URI below is about the 311 earthquake published on 16 Dec. 2011. It’s on the official website of Minshutou, Democratic Party in Japan. It was the ruling party till late Dec. 2012.
> 福島の地域経済再生に向けては、県からの要望を踏まえ、第3次補正予算において復興基金の造成など総額約5340億円を措置し、医療や再生可能エネルギーといった新たな産業・雇用の創出や企業立地に向けた取り組みなどを図ることとしています。さらには、福島県が置かれている特殊な事情に鑑み、その対策を講じるための特別立法が必要と考えており、次期通常国会に法案を提出できるよう検討を進めています。
Translation: For the purpose of the regional economical restoration of Fukushima, with considering the prefecture’s request, on the 3rd revised budget, we take steps by PREPARATION OF THE RESTORATION FUND and so on with 534 billion yen in total. With that, we attempt medical services, new inductries like renewable energy, job creation, industrial loction, and so on. In addition, considering the special situation placed in Fukushima Prefecture, we think that we need special legistrations and we consider them to present the draft bills in the next ordinary sessin of the parliament.
Our Reconstruction Agency of the government has released these:
Translation: The Management and Operation Guidelines Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: 13 Jan. Heisei 24(* 2012)
>第3 復興交付金基金の運営
Translation: 3. Operation of the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: +- 1. Creation of the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund is prepared by the grant-in-aid from the state(Japanese government). Still more, in the cases that plural ministers in charge issued the fund for the creation of the fund, same fund receive that and separate and fix by ministers in charge.
See also http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/H24/H24F10013001001.html


So Yoree Koh of Wall Street Journal wrote this:
>But this year, onlookers are not only taking issue with the whaling expedition itself, but how extra government funding for the trip is being drawn from money intended to be used for reconstruction efforts from the March 11 disasters. The funds are from Japan’s own national budget, not charitable donations from overseas.
If you want to cause that our government uses the tsunami fund of Red Cross and so on with the donation from overseas, prove it!

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