I changed my blogs’ appearance on 3 March.

I have this blog and a Japanese blog with WordPress. And their theme was basic2col. I really like it. But I found a bug in view on my blogs.
I’ve put a Google AdSense‘s advertisement under the Meta part. But another meta part appears under the advertisement where I didn’t set.
I don’t know how to make the themes of WordPress. So I cannot fix that by myself. So I changed my blogs’ theme from basic2col to Dear Diary.

The book about the leaked about terror: The court halts its publication. (The Sankei Shimbun, 産経新聞)

“The book about the leaked about terror: The court halts its publication. A Muslim allegates that.” (流出テロ本、出版差し止め決定 イスラム教徒申し立て)(the Sankei Shimbun(産経新聞). There is also the same article on Iza!, the Sankei Shimbun‘s official blog community.)

I added Spy & Terror, a blog having an entry about that news: About the leak of Koan’s Terror data, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department should acknowledge the name list of the investigators.(公安テロ資料流出で警視庁は捜査員名簿を認めるべき), to Des Liends de Emmanuel Chanel my links page.

I got know that news at 22:25 29 Nov., 2010, two hours later, by a chat. Maybe, the leak to the net is more serious. But hearing that the data is sold as a book, I got such a panic that I posted an entry (Japanese) on this blog. So I felt the news good, although it can be misreading.

Continue reading The book about the leaked about terror: The court halts its publication. (The Sankei Shimbun, 産経新聞)

I added kamyu.net and some DDNS services to my links page.

Kamyu.net is a website about networking and about games. The site owner is a friend known on IRC@2ch. As I’ve posted an entry before,I use his DDNS service. Since I found by seeing this blog’s administration panel that he links his blog to my Japanese blog, I linked Kamyu.net back.

At this chance, I added that and other DDNS services used by me(DynDNS.com, ieServer.Net, and No-IP – Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP.); to Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel, my links page and made “Networking” category.

Making a category of Ubuntu Linux, I link the websites related to that.

Ubuntu Linux is the most popular Linux distribution for the desktop, based on Debian unstable(sid). I had been interested in Ubuntu Linux for a long time, to install Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat on 11 Oct., 2010 but I haven’t linked the related websites on Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel, my links page.

I linked the websites with their explanations below.

Ubuntu homepage | Ubuntu
The official website of Ubuntu Linux, the most popular linux distribution nowadays for easy installation, distributed as live CDs. It has a wiki for support.
Ubuntu Forums
The official English forum of Ubuntu Linux.
Ubuntu Europe
The Europe community of Ubuntu Linux. They record the logs of the official channels including #ubuntu and #ubuntu-jp , the Japanese channel on FreeNode, an IRC network.
Home | Ubuntu Japanese Team
The Japanese community of Ubuntu Linux. They distribute their own packages for Japanese on their own repository and the Japanese Remix CD with the packages. You can get supports on its forum. And there’s also a wiki for built-up information.

I link the official website of Mr. Tadanobu Bandou (坂東忠信), the author of “An Interpreting Investigator (通訳捜査官)”

Seeing some blogs referring the Senkaku Islands incident, on one of the blogs, someone introduced Mr. Tadanobu Bandou (坂東忠信)‘s What I Know From the Increase of Foreigners’ Crimes, that seems to have become a mirror of the other blog with a same name on Ameba. I added its RSS feed to Emmanuel Chanel’s Favorite RSS(Japanese) on Iza!, the official blog community of the Sankei Shinbun Newspaper (産経新聞).

Although I read An Interpreting Investigator (通訳捜査官) on a bookstore without buying, I feel it very good that he describes Chinese unrepentant mentality in the sight of a police detective.

通訳捜査官 (Interpreting Investigators) are Continue reading I link the official website of Mr. Tadanobu Bandou (坂東忠信), the author of “An Interpreting Investigator (通訳捜査官)”

I moved my subdomain name from chanel.ath.cx to emmanulc.yuuna.org

About 18 May, I have an account of DynDNS.com and I used its free wildcard service for virtual hosts like www.chanel.ath.cx , forums.chanel.ath.cx , and so on. But it became paid service. I don’t know if I could kept using it for free with keeping the account. I lost the account once and I re-registered. And I found that. So I got a free Dynamic DNS account of another site. My subdomain name of this is emmanuelc.yuuna.org and changed my websites on my own server’s URIs.

The new URIs are these:
This blog (English home): http://www.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/
My Japanese blog: http://www.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/ja/
My Forum http://forums.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/
Links http://www.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/links/
The Archive of Rather Shinkansen than TGV & Taiwan Shinkansen http://www.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/~emmanuel/
Yahoo! Japan Message Board’s Archive http://yarchive.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/
The archive of my abolished Japanese board http://popup.tok2.com/home/chanel/legrandsalon/

I have Image-Uploadable Reserve Webboard, another Japanese board on a free hosting service for the case that this server got down.

I changes the design of my links page and so on a bit and maintained it in passing.

I updated Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel (my links page), the Archive of Le Grand Salon d’Angelix (my abolished Japanese webboard’s archive), Image-Uploadable Reserve Board on Emmanuel Chanel Museum, etc by changing their designs to make it convenient to visit my other pages.
Checking the links of Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel in passing, I fixed its dead links, with deleting or with changing linking URIs. At this time, I deleted also the link to Kita-no-Ookami Fan Club closed by the author’s cancel of publishing permission.

I fix up the links to branches of Society for History Textbook Reform(Tsukuru-kai).

Actually, on 18 Dec., one week before the second last entry, Momotarou Web Board is moved and I fixed the link on Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel. It’s because Kidd Communications, the CGI forums rental service of the web board and we realize that late. But The Web Board for (Sakurako’s) Supporting History Textbook Reform still exists and I wonder why. And… I felt like fixed up the links to the branches on my links page.
The method is to check the links on Tsukuru-kai’s links page and I find many dead links on it, showing downhill of Tsukuru-kai‘s movement.

I’m thinking of updating my websites.

Actually, I have put out 永遠に断片的な小説もどき (Eternally Scrappy Noveloid), the memorandom site of my imagination in private, undeleted its first web edition as 永遠に断片的な小説もどき 第1版 (Eternally Scrappy Noveloid the 1st edition), and so on. But I cannot have put together, I feel.

When I posted the last entry, I made “The Issue of Whaling”, a new category on Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel and added The Issue of Whaling Fixing Up wiki and some blogs on it.

* Added at 07:53 on 5 Jan.
I changed “Eternally Scrappy Noveloid”‘s URI from http://private.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/ to http://www.private.emmanuelc.yuuna.org/ after posting this entry. But I didn’t refer that. And now, I’vechanged it back.

I Added Some Links to Some Blogs and Some Related Websites on Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel.

I added all websites on Emmanuel Chanel’s Favorite RSS (Hereinafter, I call it Favorite RSS) of Iza!, the news website and Sankei Shimbun’s Official Blog Community but not linked from Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel (The links page of this website. Hereinafter, I call it the Links Page.).
Continue reading I Added Some Links to Some Blogs and Some Related Websites on Des Liens de Emmanuel Chanel.