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Opinions & Social Science Season 1 - Emmanuel Chanel's Links Collection


Le Château d'Emmanuel Chanel
My home page and English blog on my server. I have Emmanuel Chanel Diary, the Japanese blog,Le Salon d'Emmanuel Chanel, a web forum, and Wiki about Anti-Japanese Problem and Anti-Whaling Problem too. Comment on my website operation on its 運営/Operation forum! You can contact me via The Final Reserve Webboard when my server is down or so.
The Web Society for Thinking Textbooks
The website for thinking of history textbooks, administrated by Aramar. It has some boards: New Funny Punch School and Chikurin School. And he has also the blogs named Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Kagerou)(the board for comments of it), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Sakura Nue), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Johmon), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Muei).
The Web Dayly by Prof. Kanji Nishio
The official website of Prof. Kanji Nishio, administrated by Mrs. Toshiue no Hasegawa.
Momotarou Web Board
Ms. Momo's web board.
Ryuuichi Kashiwabara's INTELLIGENCE
YouTube account of Mr. Ryuuichi Kashiwabara, researching intelligence history. He has also Research and Analysis, s blog about diplomacy and international relations.
Administration of the History of Failures
Sammyadd's blog. He had Sammyad's Makeshift Record, an art website where Sammyadd puts his images and its Memorandum had Outrageous Books Detection Kit and so on. But it extinguished by Rakuten ending their free web hosting service.
Atsushi Iwata University
A website of Tsuyoshi Iwata, researching politics. He has also Atsushi Iwata Channel, a YouTube channel.
English and Book Review de Kaiba's Door BLOG
KABU's blog. It has a sister blog: Koutaro Matsuo de Kaiba's Door BLOG the FC2 edition.
If you don't commentate, who does?! I will do together!
JODY's blog.
What on Earth is Wrong for I like Japan?
Audrey's blog.
Sweatly Biting :) Genious Fool Board!
Mr. Midnight-Run' blog. It has a sister boards: [Genious Fool Web Board! Shiori no Shiori]. There is also another blog not updated: Easily Comprehensible "Wars".
A Celeb Wife Think Continuously Today, Too
A blog of Toshiue no Hasegawa, the administrator of The Web Dayly by Prof. Kanji Nishio. She write stuff mainly about usual days.
Hey! Welcome! Thank You for Your Continued Patronage!
Mr. Akindo's blog. He was on a forum of The Web Dayly by Prof. Kanji Nishio in the old days. And he has been back after 5 years absence on the net.
The official website of a member of Hatsukaichi City Council, Hiroshima Pref: Shunji Kakuda. He posted many messages with a handle: Nerukehno on the net.
Society for Righting Characteristics of Tsukuru-Kai
The official blog of Satoshi Nitta, professor of Kogakkan Univ.. He was a member of board of Tsukuru-Kai, Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform but he had to resign it for criticizing Prof. Kanji Nishio and Prof Nobukatsu Fujioka for overdrive.
The Truth of Asia
A conservative blog for reporting truth, of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
Japan on the Globe
The website of the mail magazine for thinking what's real internationalist.
International Strategy Column
A website with columns about international strategy and world situation. It had The International Strategy Web Board. I also read its National Strategy Links as reference.
Literary Homepage HORAGAI
A website of a literary critic: Kouichi Katou. We can read essays about literature and opinions. It has Horagai Blog, the blog edition.
Braves' Spirits
trekky's blog
A conservative blog dealing various issues like historical recognitions, education, the amendment of the constitution.
Tono Godzilla's Unreserved Talk and Strong Language - Yamato Sakura School
Mr. tono's blog.
The official blog of a Japanese famous liberal journalist in Japan: Yoshiko Sakurai. She writes various essays.
Meine Sache
A conservative blog for reporting news of Germany and so on.
Takako Klein's Home Page
The official website of a Japanese journalist in Germany: Takako Klein There are various essays on the Diary of Klein Takako.
Nobumasa Ohta Home Page
The official website showing the mail magazine of Mr. Nobumasa Ohta, an expert of national security. He was a former Defence Councilor. The blog is its main contents. He received its long comments basically on his webboard.
Takehiro Ohya Online
A home page of Associate Professor Takehiro Ohya, a jurist. He writes some columns on Ohya-niki, his blog.
Japan Betrayer Party Home Page
A website by Kane Pakuri. He criticize Anti-Japanese Japanese betrayers with carrying articles of betrayal. It has Japan Betrayer Party Opinion Board.
Toshiko Hasumi's World
Ms. Toshiko Hasmi's blog. She commits the conservative politican movements by drawing manga. She has also a Facebook page named Toshiko Hasumi's World, a website on strinkingly.com, and RisaRisa's I Try Drawing Political Manga.
Lives Optimictic
Ms. Riho Sachimi's website. There's also SSachimin Blog. She talk about conservative opinions and about the issues of whaling as @sachimiriho on Twitter. And she is anxious especially about Taiji harrassed by Dolphin Project, Sea Shepherd, and so on.
The news websie of the Sankei Shimbun Newspaper. It had also the Correspondents Blogs, the official blogs by the correspondents of the Sankei Shimbun Newspaper.
Yuukoku Wiki
A wiki for countering leftists' anti-freedom activism that reports Japanese conservative accounts to be suspended on Twitter.


Shinzo Abe
The official website of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a representative of the Liberal Democratic Party. He has much support of Japanese conservatives because of his measure in the abduction of Japanese people by North Korea. He was the 90th prime minister of Japan and 21 st president of LDP. He has also Twitter. He show his activity on his Facebook page.(Japanese)
Civilian Volunteers Society of Wanting Shinzo Abe to become the Prime Minister
The society is for Shinzo Abe becoming the prime minister of Japan again since he is the most adequete statesman to be the prime minister about the LDP's election of their president in 26 Sep. 2012. He is expected to become the next prime minister again by the election.
Shoichi Nakagawa
The official website of now-dead Rep. Shoichi Nakagawa of the Liberal Democratic Party. He had much support of Japanese conservatives because of his measure in the abduction of Japanese people by North Korea.(Japanese)
Sanae Takaichi
The official website of Rep. Sanae Takaichi(the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan). She has much support of Japanese conservatives on the issue of gender-free.(Japanese)
Shingo Nishimura
The official website of Rep. Shingo Nishimura. (Of abolished Democratic Socialism Association). He has much support of Japanese conservatives because of his measure in the issue of history recognitions, and in the abduction of Japanese people by North Korea. He participates the Blueribbon Movement.(Japanese)
Eriko Yamatani
The official website of Councillor Eriko Yamatani. (Liberal Democratic Party). She is the vice-chair person of the Lawmakers' Alliance for Rescue of Japanese People Kidnapped by North Korea. She measures also the problem of the educations.(Japanese)
The Offical Shintaro Ishihara Website
The official website of Shintaro Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government.He has much support of Japanese conservatives.
Shigeru Ishiba Official Site
The official website of Rep. Shigeru Ishiba.
J-NSC Liberal Dmocratic Party's Net Supporters Club
The club for Liberal Democratic Party's net supporters by the party. You don't need a membership of the party itself.

Criticizing Deviated Reports

The official website of Mr. Motohiko Izawa: the famous mystery novelist and critic of media.
Irregular Expression?
A conservative blog by Mr. gori. He reffers deviated reports of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper and various political problems.
25 o'clock
A conservative blog, which reffers deviated reports of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper and various political problems.
Motoya Natsuka Home Page
It has Who on Earth Are You? Diary.
The Monology of the Addicted
A conservative blog. The author has also Twitter.
The Truth of Asia
A conservative blog for reporting truth, of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
Sake-Tamanegi-ya Home Page
It deals with Kidnapps by North Korea and with Left-Wing deviated reports on Sake-Tamanegi-ya URA Home Page.
Blog Takamori
A blog by Mr. Takamori. He deals the problem of the left-wing-deviated reports of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper.
Watching "Media's Power"
The blog of @CatNewsAgency on Twitter, active to watch the anti-Japanese deviated reports by the Gaijin free journalists domnating the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan and by so on.

Criticize Deviated Education

The official website of Mr. Motohiko Izawa: the famous mystery novelist and critic of media.
The Web Society for Thinking Textbooks
The website for thinking of history textbooks, administrated by Aramar. It has some boards: New Funny Punch School and Chikurin School. And he has also the blogs named Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Kagerou)(the board for comments of it), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Sakura Nue), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Johmon), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Muei).
Japanese Textbooks
A website of Ms. Momochan. She criticizes the left-wing deviation of textbooks.
Education Ombudsman Association Diary
A website of Mr. Tatsuo Fujimoto. He search mistakes of textbooks.

Issues of History Recognitions

Creating the Lessons: Japan
The official website of Creating the Lessons: Japan.
Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform
The official website of Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform.
Society for Reform of Textbooks
A society part from Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. They write texbooks of Ikuhosha and Japanese Organization for Recovery of Education support them.
Fusosha's child company for publishing textbooks, parting from Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform.
The Web Society for Thinking Textbooks
The website for thinking of history textbooks, administrated by Aramar. It has some boards: New Funny Punch School and Chikurin School. And he has also the blogs named Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Kagerou)(the board for comments of it), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Sakura Nue), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Johmon), Dream Sky Hallway Trip(Muei).
The Web Dayly by Prof. Kanji Nishio
The official website of Prof. Kanji Nishio, administrated by Mrs. Toshiue no Hasegawa.
Lectures of De-Brainwashing History
The official website of Toshio Tanabe. He revealed the lies on the Chinese accuses of our atrocities and on the Mass Rape and Masacre of New Guinea.
Cyber Study Group of Japanese History
A website of Mr. Ichiro Matsuo, studied the Rape of Nanking for some years. He refutes the Rape of Nanking so efficiently that the website is very famous in China. It has the English version: ABC of The Rape of Nanking.
Fabrication of the Rape of Nanking
A website of the essayist on 2ch; refuting the Rape of Nanking: Mr. Guuse . It has Called Net Rightist,.... There are another hall named Data Related to the Rape of Nanking, the other hall named the HP for Watching the Problme of Hiroshi Motomiya's Fabrication on "The Country Burns" and Hiroshi Yamamoto: the chairman of "the Academy of Outrageous Books", and the yet other hall named Guuse's Collection of Discussion on the Web Board(For ending the loop discussion on the Cyber Study Group of Japanese History Web Board).
Anguish of Nanking Shibuta(Protestia)
The blog of Nanking Shibuta, researching the issue of Nanjing Massacre. He suggets the self-profession of Protestia, against leftists' labeling them Netouyo. He deligently refuted Nanjing Massacre on Twitter and has also the note account.
ZF & Japan's Historical Facts and the World History
ZF's blog and another's blog. They are allies of Nanking Shibuta.
Memorandom of Giyomidon & Tracing the Maze of Historical Memories
The blog of Ms hinatanococo aka Giyomidon. She discuss China's fabrication of Japanese war crimes, China's stealing of Japan's thunder of rescuing Jewish people, China's erase of history of Nationalist China's alliance with Nazis, and Unit 731. She also researches the conspiracy theory and criticize the holocaust denial. Under Giyomidon's permission, I, Emmanuel Chanel made the archive website.
Nanking Incident - The Detail Explanation of the view that Executions of Chinese Soldiers are Legal on Wartime International Law
The website that explains the point of wartime international law on Nanjing Massacre. It's not illegal to execute Chinese soldiers and guerillas. The author quote the academic books of Prof. Ryoichi Taoka, an authority of wartime international law in Japan.
An English Blog of KUIDAORE with plenty of photo historical sources.
Correct Historical Recognitions, Diplomacy for Our National Interests, Realization of Nuclear Armament
A blog by deliciousicecofee, claiming the refutation of the Rape of Nanking.
Truth of Nanking
A website for a movie telling the truth of the Fall of Nanking and showing the fabrication of the Rape of Nanking on Chinese propaganda, based on Rabe's Diary. Its view is expected to be of Illusion School or Middle-Road School. I'm near Illusion School but The Nanjing Incident Recent Research and Trends by David Askew, an essay with peer review by a Middle-Road School would help you know our debate much better.
The official website of Mr. Motohiko Izawa: the famous mystery novelist and critic of media.
Society for History Textbook Reform: 3-Tama, Tokyo Branch
The blog of Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform: 3-Tama, Tokyo Branch
Society for History Textbook Reform: Okayama Branch
The official website of Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform: Okayama Branch, administrated by Mr.Merkatz.
Ikuzo Manaka's Page
A website of Ikuzo Manaka, a member of Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. It's linked as the official website of its Shiga Branch.
Society to Learn True History
It's a Nonprofit Organization and they open a lecture of history a month.
Japanese Textbooks
A website of Ms. Momochan. She criticizes the left-wing deviation of textbooks.
Education Ombudsman Association Diary
A website of Mr. Tatsuo Fujimoto. He search mistakes of textbooks.
The Modern History of Our Pride that We Teach to Our Children
Nippon Youth Congress' New Textbook Making Comission's contents shown on Mr. Motosuke Takeda's website. I often mention The page about the propaganda wall painting.
Choi Kil-sung's Home Page
A website of Prof. Choi Kil-sung of Toua University(A former professor of Hiroshima Univ.)He's a Korean researcher famous among Japanese conservatives for his reveal of the fabrications of forcible taking and of the compulsary prostitution of Comfort Women. It has Dialogue With Choi Kil-sung, a blog.
The Truth of Asia
A conservative blog for reporting truth, of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
Vaccine to Anti-Japan
A blog refuting anti-Japanese views by quoting books in the argued periods. Valuable to see it although it's not updated periodically.
A blog by Mr. Hisatake Hazama.
Texas Daddy Japan Office
Shun Ferguson's website as the Japanese official website for Tony Marano, Propaganda Buster. It has the official blog.. He has another blog: FAKEBOOK BUSTER.

East Asia/Far East

The Truth of Asia
A conservative blog for reporting truth, of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
the Far East News Net blog
A conservative blog for reporting news of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
Specific Asia News
A conservative blog for reporting news of China, Korea, and so on, that our media don't report.
What on Earth is Wrong for I like Japan?
Audrey's blog.
Archive of the Threads For Accuse of Chinese and Korean Outrages
The archive of "Thread for English Response to Foreign Anti-Japanese Activities" series(The title of the website was the former name of that series.) of Engslih Board of 2ch. It contends discussions for refuting Chinese and Korean anti-Japanese propagandas.
The Monology of the Addicted
A conservative blog. The author has also Twitter.
Day and Day This China Watch
A blog of Mr. Gokenin. He analyses Chinese news.
Chinese Anti-Japan Information
A blog of Mr. Ganso Upupu. He analyses Chinese news.
Interpreting Investigator // The Official Website of A former Detective with Interpreting Investigation of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
The official website of Tadanobu Bandou, a former detective with Chinese(Beijing dialect near Mandarin) interpreting investigation(Interpreting Investigator) of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. He writes about Chinese tendency to commit crimes easily on A Interpreting Investigator, his book and entries of his blog:: What I Know From the Increase of Foreigners' Crimes(Since this is setteled on Ameba , it seems that the blog with a same name on his official website has become a mirror site.)
Shinabuta's Paradise
One pro-Japan Chinese person's blog. According to My Anti-China Thought Is Not "Masochism", he is strongly influenced by his mother. Directly translated, Shinabuta(支那豚) means "China Pig" but it's what he named himself.
Taiwan is Japan's Lifeline!
A blog of Hideki Nagayama, the chief of Taiwan Research Forum and manager of Japanese Friends' of Lee Teng-hui. He is against Chinese intention to invate Taiwan, without admitting Taiwan as an independent country.
Red Fox
Mr. Bunta Iwaya's blog mainly about China. He also shows anti-whaling activists visiting Taiji with researching on the net. He has Twitter and a YouTube channel, too.

East Asia/Far East: Issue of Korean-Japanese Relation

Modern Korea
The website of the Modern Korea Institute, the best study group of Koreology in Japan.
Ancient Shintoism and Japanology
The website of Mr. FT-C. For his experience on the time he studied in USA, he show opinions about Korean-Japanese relations.
Sake-Tamanegi-ya Home Page
It deals with Kidnapps by North Korea and with Left-Wing deviated reports on Sake-Tamanegi-ya URA Home Page.
A blog of Kaneganese, about the Takeshima / Dokdo / Liancourt Rocks problem.
Choi Kil-sung's Home Page
A website of Prof. Choi Kil-sung of Toua University(A former professor of Hiroshima Univ.)He's a Korean researcher famous among Japanese conservatives for his reveal of the fabrications of forcible taking and of the compulsary prostitution of Comfort Women. It has a blog: Dialogue With Choi Kil-sung: Essays.
Handpicked! Korean Information
He criticizes Korea on the issues of historical recognitions, anti-Japanese fabricatons and so on.
Korea Watching
A blog by Goinkyo.(meaning Retired). Since many of his posts are deleted on Enjoy Korea Translation Forum(A translation forum between Japanese and Korean by one Korean resident in Japan, he made a blog on iza!, I hear. Now it's moved to Ameblo for the end of Iza's blog service.
Sincere Lee's Blog
A blog of a Korean dentist. He introduces Korean news and so on in Japanese. The former blog was in Ameblo.
NAVER Residency
A source wiki by some Japanese regulars of Enjoy Korea Translation Forum(Its former name is NAVER Translation Forum). It's linked to dreamtale's Warden Diary, Nobuo Kimura's Kimura Exile Record.
Far East
The official website of Sharin Yamano, the author of Ken Kan-Ryu(Dislike Korean Wave). It's a comicizaton of critics of Koreans' ant-Japanese fabrications, ones of historical origines of Japanese culture, and so on.
East Asia Memorandom
A blog with opinions of the news shown as threads of East Asia News+ Forum of 2ch.
Citizien's Society Not Permitting Zainichi's Previledges
A society protesting against Zainichi(Korean resident in Japan, often pretending Korean Japanese), for causing that they have illegal and injustice privileges in Japan. I found some critics of the society's behavior.
Era-Tsushin's Background of Advertising Flier
A blog of Era-Tshushin, a static handle of East Asia News+ Forum of 2ch.
To the Big Brother in the New Century
A website of Mr. Takaaki Mitsuhashi, a "small and medium enterprise management consultant"(a sort of business consultant under the government authorization) and economic essayist, getting famous since he appears a writer from 2ch. He has two blogs(the Ameba version and Yahoo! version.) with same contents and keep them every day. As the consultant, he has Office Mitsuhashi Takaasi, another website.
The Absurd of Tetsuya Watanabe aka Daihyou Tojimari-yaku
A blog of Mr. Tetsuya Watanabe(Daihyou Tojimari-yaku). After he's flourished on the Korea Forum and on the East Asia News+ Forum of 2ch as a famous static handle, he debut as a writer. He has another blog: Weekly Korean Crisis of Economy.
An English blog by Ampontan, reputated that he explains Japanese conservative's position very well.
Propaganda Buster
A blog of Tony the Propaganda Buster. He shows various opinions on YouTube and got famous as Texas Daddy in 2ch, the biggest Japanese forum website and so on. After he reveived a first class document about Comfort Women(shown on Texas Daddy Japan Office) from US National Archives, he has concluded that the Comfort Women coercion is false. And he joins the refutation campaign.
Texas Daddy Japan Office
Shun Ferguson's website as the Japanese official website for Tony Marano, Propaganda Buster. It has the official blog.. He has another blog: FAKEBOOK BUSTER.
J'adore le Japon et la France
Daisuki's blog. It refutes the Comfort Women coercion. I hear that the blog is kept by a French learning Japanese.
Troublesome Korea - Creepy and Biggety Korean Men whose Mind has only Japanese Porns -
A blog by a Japanese woman. It deals the Koreans' delusion that Japanese women admire Korean men; and their sexual crimes by that delusion and so on.

East Asia/Far East: Issue of Korean-Japanese Relation: Kidnap of Japanese people by North Korea

The website of the National Association for the Rescue of Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea(Japanese). It has the English version.
Nippon Blueribbon Party
The official website of the Blue Ribbon Movement(Japanese).

Our Territorial Problems

Takeshima Problem
Mr. Kunitaka Tanaka's website about the problem that South Korea illegally occupies an uninhabited island belongs to Gokamura Village, Shimane Pref in Japan.
Senkaku Islands Problem
Mr. Kunitaka Tanaka's website about the problem that China assert the dominuim of Senkaku Islands belongs to Ishigaki City, Okinawa Pref in Japan.
A blog of Kaneganese, about the Takeshima / Dokdo / Liancourt Rocks problem.
[China](Concernment of Their Resource Monopoly!) Institutions In Boundary Ocean Space Between China and Japan [05/28] Conclusion Site
A website by a person on 2ch dealing with the problem that China is advancing institution construction which exploits a natural gas in last-minute ocean space on the boundary line in the East China Sea, and that it's highly possible for the oil well to be expanded much on the Japanese side.
Okinawa Countermeasure Headquarter
A blog about polictis and national security around Okinawa.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The official website of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. It has some pages: Issue of Takeshima, The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, Japan-Russia Relations (Territorial Issues), and so on. Many conservatives criticize it because of forgetting our national interests.

Judicial Problems

Japan Judges Network
A website for judges' opinions in public. They want open judicial system and better judicial functions.

Pro-Israeli Websites & Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts

In the Strawberry Field
A Japanese blog by Sachi. David ab Hugh, her hunband operates a sister blog namedBig Lizard as a member of the team.
Information of Israel by graduates of Tokyo Bible School.(From the Logos Ministries)
The Bridge to Zion: Israel News
A website of mail magazine that digests Israeli newspapers. Reading it, even I, with the Palestine support-feelings, feel Israeli-Palestinian peace hopeless.
A website of Myrtos: a company trading with Israel and publishing books about Israel and Jewish.

Middle East: Other

Fuushikaden of Studies of Middle East and of Islam
The blog of Professor Sotoshi Ikeuchi of University of Tokyo.

The Issue of Whaling

Search about the Issue of WhalingYahoo! Japan Message Board Archive
I archive the topics about whaling on extinct Yahoo! Japan Message Board and enable you to search them by namazu. You can find out the refutation of the most topics from anti-whaling people.
Propaganda Buster
A blog of Tony the Propaganda Buster. He shows various opinions on YouTube and got famous as Texas Daddy in 2ch, the biggest Japanese forum website and so on. After he reveived a first class document about Comfort Women(shown on Texas Daddy Japan Office) from US National Archives, he has concluded that the Comfort Women coercion is false. And he joins the refutation campaign.
Texas Daddy Japan Office
Shun Ferguson's website as the Japanese official website for Tony Marano, Propaganda Buster. It has the official blog.. He energetically keeps another blog: FAKEBOOK BUSTER.
springsanba's Pro-Whaling Opinions - Research of Animal Rights Cult
A blog of sanba3sanba, for fixing up the debate of the issue of whaling, on the posts on Yahoo! Japan Message Board.
[Whaling] I hear that I will be under plaint by the anti-whaler.(^ω^;;; Archive
A blog of toripan1111, for fixing up the debate of whaling, with the plan to show the process and progression around Kamekujiraneko's threat that he file complaint against toripan1111. But now, he leaves the pro-whaling refutation free to copy & to quote.
D'z blog dealing the problem of Sea Shepherd.
Mr. Hetare Fukuda's Notepad
Memorandom of his Twitter((And his reserved account)). He has Whale Talk, a website about whaling and Let's Eat Whales, its sister blog.
Whaling Library
The administrator collects many datum for refutation against anti-whaling. It has Japanese page.
David @ Tokyo
A blog by one New Zealander for whaling. He has Twitter.
English and Book Review de Kaiba's Door BLOG
KABU's blog. It has a sister blog: Koutaro Matsuo de Kaiba's Door BLOG the FC2 edition.
Red Fox
Mr. Bunta Iwaya's blog mainly about China. He also shows anti-whaling activists visiting Taiji with researching on the net. He has Twitter and a YouTube channel, too.
The Foreigners Staying in Taiji for Harassment and Their Supporters
A blog shows the anti-whaling activists going to Taiji.
Persona Non Grata Taiji-chou
A blog shows the anti-whaling activists going to Taiji.
"THE COVE" Revelation of Anti-whaling Activities
The blog follows the news of Sea Shepheard from Dec. 2010. The authors are mainly active on their YouTube channel. And Riku, one of the authors has Twitter, too.
Wiki for Round Up Green Peace's Tokyo Two's Theft of Whale Flesh
A website for rounding up Green Peace's Tokyo Two's theft of whale flesh in the name of "investigation of the peculation of whale flesh." The crews got the flesh legally as payment and the peculation has no foundation. You should recognize that the crews can do anything they want since the whale flesh wasn't regulated to give or to sell.
The Issue of Whaling Fixing Up wiki
A wiki for fixing up threads about whaling of 2ch.
Whale Alley
A Japanese pro-whaling website. It introduces pro-whaling opinions of intelligentsia on Theories of Whales & Debates.
Behind "THE COVE" Official Site & Whale Restaurant
The official website of Behind "the Cove", Ms Keiko Yagi's documentary refuting the Cove and the official website of her 2nd documentary of food and science with whales. The websites tend to be attacked by Sea Shepherd and other dolphin freaks. But she transmits her views and the movie information on its official Facebook. It has also Twitter.

Reference Research of Opinions World

Komuro Naoki Bibliography
A website for reference information of LLD. Komuro Naoki's works, succeeded Mr. Masaki Kobayashi's lost website. It has "Komuro Naoki Bibliography" New Web Board.(Administrated by Mr. Murakami.)
Takahiko Soejima Bibliography
A website for reference information of Takahiko Soejima's works. (Administrated by Mr. Murakami.)
Ai-Kurata's Diary that I Want To Keep After Researching A Bit More.
A blog of Ai-Kurata. It has Ai-Kurata's Blog that I Write A Bit More and he has World History Wiki, Depleted Uranium Ordnance Wiki, The Wiki for the Net News Paper JANJAN.
Gifts From Books
A blog of book reviews by milesta.

Reports and Data

MSN Sankei News
The website of the newspaper I read: the Sankei Shimbun. Every time it oppose to the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper.
Channel Sakura
A Japanese broadcast on the Communication Satellite(CS) with Japanese conservatives approvals.
Fuji TV
A TV broadcaster of a conservative media group: Fuji Sankei Group.
The news department of Fuji TV.
Catalog Record: Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers | HathiTrust Digital Library
HathiTrust Digital Library's catalog record of an open book "Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers" All papers aren't open but you can access very interesting information, I hear.

Social Sciences

Laws, Jurisprudence, and Law Philosophy

Takehiro Ohya Online
A home page of Associate Professor Takehiro Ohya, a jurist. He writes some columns on Ohya-niki, his blog.
Japan Judges Network
A website for judges' opinions in public. They want open judicial system and better judicial functions.
A private school for judicial certifying examination, Mr. Shimagen recommends: Itojuku.(From On the Legal Education in Japan)
Shibata's Law Page
A lecturer of LEC: A private school for judicial certifying examination.(From On the Legal Education in Japan)
The Supreme Law Court
The court on the top of judiciary. I hear that you cannot visit it without beforehand application. (From On the Legal Education in Japan)
Ministry of Justice
The ministry with the Public Procecuters' Office, and with PSIA. And it administrates jails.(From On the Legal Education in Japan)
Sources of the Law
It's convenient to search websites about laws and we can search laws.(From On the Legal Education in Japan)
Japan Law Foundation
Links Collection is filled up.(From On the Legal Education in Japan)
Nanking Incident - The Detail Explanation of the view that Executions of Chinese Soldiers are Legal on Wartime International Law
The website that explains the point of wartime international law on Nanjing Massacre. It's not illegal to execute Chinese soldiers and guerillas. The author quote the academic books of Prof. Ryoichi Taoka, an authority of wartime international law in Japan.

Political Study and Thought

Cultivate the Period of Cyber Politics
A website of estimating politicians. It has a huge cluster of web boards.
The website of PhD Masashi Okuyama. We can see something about Geopolitics and the situation of American conservative opinions. He has America Report, a YouTube channel.
A website telling the informations about World Politics.
International Strategy Column
A website with columns about international strategy and world situation. It had The International Strategy Web Board and I also read its National Strategy Links as reference.
The Japan Forum on International Relations
The institute has various international cooperation and information offer enterprises of politics. It has the English version.
Tetsuya Kataoka Official Site
The official website of Prof. Tetsuya Kataoka; writing "The Eternal Occupation of Japan".
Libertarianism A Primer -by David Boaz
The website with a book by David Boaz:"Libertarianism A Primer".
The Ayn Rand Institute
A website of Ayn Rand: A big American Libertarian intellectual and novelist.
Kayoko Fujimori's
Society for the Study of Ayn Rand in Japan
A website for study of Ayn Rand(Born name: Alissa Rosenbaum): A big American libertarian intellectual and novelist. It has Ayn Rand Web Board.
Libertarianism @ Japan
A blog by Mr. Akihito. He discusses many issues on the point of libertarianism. A long time ago, taken out by Mr. FITOMARO, Mr. Akihito administrated one website at Takahiko Soejima's society but he came free from it because of Soejima's senseless response of Mr. Akihito's pointing out his error.
Cato Institute
A website of the American Lockean Libertarian Think Tank: Cato Institute. The author of Libertarianism A Primer: David Boaz is its vice president.(From "the Links of US Politics Information")

Military Study and Espionage

2ch Military BBS FAQ
A FAQ website by collecting opinions on Military BBS of 2ch. Mr. Keshiin-Tokorozawa administrates it. Although I dislike some points on our issue of history recognitions, it's a staple of news, of politics, and of history.
Weekly ObiektMuriya
JSF's blog. He explained the unrationality of the draft systems on its main website but now it looks that the website disappeared.
Blog of Realism and of Defense
zyesuta's blog. I hear that the contents mainly explains the basic military knowledge...
Higashi-Nagasaki Organization
A website of Mr. Kenjirou Kato(Military Analyser) and so on.
Military Essayis = Mamoru Sato's Blog Diary
The blog of Mamoru Sato, a former lieutenant general of Japanese Self-Defense Air Force. He shows conservative essays.
Toshio Tamogami Official Website
The website of General Toshio Tamogami who was Chief of Staff, Air Self Defense Force. He shows conservative essays on his blog.
Study Group of Intelligence History
A forum born by the call of Prof. Terumasa Nakanishi of Kyoto Univ., for studies of intelligence services.
Federation of American Scientists
This website telling the informations also about national security, introducing intelligences on the site: Intelligence Resource Program.
A website of Center for Strategic International Studies. The supreme institute of the study of military policy. It has Japan Chair.
The Institute of 20th Century Media
The institute lead by Prof. Taketoshi Yamamoto of Waseda Univ. It publishes a magazine: "Intelligence" and doesn't study only media but also espionage.
World & Intelligence
The subtitleis "The Blog of Buntarou Kuroi, a former editor-in-chief of 'World Intelligence', a magazine for international intelligence(Gunji Kenkyuu(軍事研究)'s Extra Volumes)" I found this by seeking the article about the leak of Koan's terror information on >2ch Military BBS FAQ.
White Hall 61 ~ I Study Intelligence
I hear that it's a blog of a researcher of intelligence services.

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