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Emmanuel Chanel's Links Collection

Reports and Sources

Open Public Access Catalogs

The Japanese website of Amazon.com who sell books, magazines, and other various things.
Google Scholar
Google's search engine for scientific articles. Real researchers have many hits of their scientific essays.
National Institute for Informatics
It has CiNii Articles, a search engine for Japanese scientific articles and essays and CiNii Books, one for university libraries.
Japan Science and Technology Agency's system to publish electric journals for free.
National Diet Library
It has National Diet Library Online and NDL Search, an OPAC of libraries in Japan.
Books.or.jp [Search Books]
The search engine of Japan Book Publishers Association.
Japanese Dealers in Old Books
The web shop of Japanese Association of Dealers in Old Books and of Tokyo Association of Dealers in Old Book.
Bibliophil Home Page
A personal website of a bibliophil. It has links collections including Old Books Information General Links.
Library of Congress
The library of US Congress. It has the biggest number of books.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

weblio Dictionary
The dictionary website where you can seek the words on the specialized dictionaries, Japanese dictionaries, and encyclopedias. I often use English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary.
goo Dictionary
goo's web dictionary.It's English dictionary uses Shougakukan's English-Japanese dictionary edition based on Random House Dictionary of English Language
Japanese web communities are anxious about anti-Japanese articles. But when we seek the info roughly, it's more or less convenient since it often shows the sources.

Search Engines and Directory Services

DuckDuckGo / Bing / Google / Yahoo! / Excite / Lycos / HotBot /

Yahoo! Japan / goo / Infoseek Japan / Excite Japan / Fresheye /

TinEye Reverse Image Search
You can search the web by the images.

Links Pages

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Contributions on this Links page

Copy Rights by Emmanuel Chanel

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